Impact Report 2022

Our activity in Israel

Welcome to Abraham

An Israel-based company weaving impact into tourism through hostels and tour operations, devoted to driving positive change.

Our Values

come as you are

come as you are

We remember that we are all human beings. Everyone we meet is shown respect, equality and tolerance. Employees, guests, suppliers, customers – all receive fair treatment and a sense of security, enjoying open and sincere communication, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, or lifestyle.
All are welcome!

we are all in this together

we are all in this together

We believe that everyone is part of a social fabric. We encourage cooperation and teamwork among our employees and stakeholders. We recognize the importance of family in its various forms and work to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere.

travelling together on spaceship earth

travelling together on spaceship earth

We are part of the worldand feel responsible for it. It is important for us to create sustainable tourism with consideration for the natural and human environment in which we operate.

doing well by doing good

doing well by doing good

We understand that to have a positive impact on the world, we must be a profitable and growing business organization. We run a professional, high-quality organization that enables us to meet the needs of our customers while creating impact and encouraging activism to promote the goals in which we believe.

inspiring change through travel

inspiring change through travel

We see tourism as a force that can change reality and be beneficial for people, communities, and the world as a whole.

in fun we trust!

in fun we trust!

We maintain a joyful approach to work in particular, and to life in general. We strive to be creative and flexible, and to adjust to changing conditions and surprises. Our aim is consistent progress and development, always acting with love and enthusiasm, with a smile and in a spirit of empathy towards those around us, whoever they may be. We strive to enjoy both the fruits of our labor and the ways in which we work to to reach them.

A letter from our CEO

"Our vision is to be a leading regional tourism group, excelling in efficiency and profitability, while driving positive change in the environments we touch.”


We have four hostels in Israel – Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Nazareth and Eilat. We also expanded internationally to Sinai, Egypt as well as Manila and Bohol in the Philippines. Our hostels are vibrant community hubs with communal spaces, bars, and a pool in Eilat. Whether you’re a backpacker or a family, we offer shared dorms, private rooms, and family accommodations.

Our Tours

Abraham is your top guide for tours in Israel, the West Bank, Jordan, Egypt, and The Philippines. Committed to our mission, we offer diverse tours for independent travelers, catering to adventure, nature, religion, and culture. Explore ancient sites, savor local cuisine, and experience the captivating blend of history and modernity in our unique regions.


The Sustainable Development Goals are 17 goals that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Target 8.9 – Promote beneficial and sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products.

Global Sustainable Tourism Council

GSTC is managing the global standards for sustainable travel and tourism. 

In Abraham, we are strive to obtain the GSTC certification for sustainable tourism in 2024.

SDG’s we focus on

Our Impact

Our impact Model

Local and Sustainable Procurement

We commit to sourcing products and services locally and sustainably, supporting local and small businesses and contributing to the long-term economic resilience of the communities we operate in.

Environmental Responsibility

We take a proactive approach to environmental responsibility, implementing eco-friendly practices, reducing waste, conserving resources, and supporting local conservation efforts to minimize our impact on the environment.

Fair Employment

Employment of diverse employees; employment of minority populations; direct employment; employment under fair conditions and wages; safe work environment; enriching training for employees.

Social Inclusion and Cultural Tolerance

We cultivate an inclusive atmosphere, fostering mutual understanding and respect among our guests, local communities, and diverse societal groups through hostel activities, partnerships with activists and artists, dual-narrative tours, and NGO collaborations

Actions we take


Abraham’s impact tours expose tourists to the cultural and social complexities of Israeli society, notably through our popular Dual-Narrative Tours.

impact events

An impact event at our hostel is a focused activity for positive effects on sustainability, community engagement, art, and social responsibility, often in collaboration with local organizations\NGOs.

women employment
Diverse Workforce

Diversity – foreigners, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and 50+.

Gender Wage Gaps
Outsourced Employees

Post-COVID, significant challenges in hiring led us to partner with external HR firms.

SMEs Supported

Reasons for the decline in procurement percentages from SMEs at Abraham in 2022:

COVID-19 Impact: The crisis affected the overall business environment, especially in tourism, leading to closures of some SMEs suppliers.

Hostel Changes: Renovations in Eilat and Tel Aviv caused significant shifts in quantities of small and local suppliers.

Food Sector Outsourcing: An experimental period in Tel Aviv’s food and bar department reduced the number of small suppliers. Outsourcing ended in early 2023.

Changes in Tours Department: Alterations in urban tour management decreased the number of external guides (freelancers) we collaborated with.

Carbon footprint

This is based on an un-audited model, with partial scope 3 emissions.
In 2023, we started monitoring energy, water, occupancy, and air conditioning to find savings and improvement opportunities. We integrated a Carbon Offsetting system into bookings and plan a precise carbon footprint measurement with an external verifier in the future.

 Looking Forward


Establishing our ambitious 2030 goals, which include a Net Zero target, serve as a clear manifestation of our unwavering commitment to long-term sustainability practices and environmental responsibility.


We aim to instill a sustainability worldview within our organizational culture by integrating our impact model pillars, fostering a positive culture that ensures environmental responsibility, social inclusion, and cultural tolerance.


Striving for Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) certification, we’re committed to integrating high sustainability practices into daily operations, benefiting both the environment and local communities.

Our Thanks

To our remarkable partners – our team, guests, investors, suppliers – your unwavering support and shared vision have been the driving force behind our impactful journey toward a greener future. Thank you for making a real difference.

abraham logo

Since 2010, we’ve grown from one small hostel in Jerusalem to offering a range of tourism services in multiple countries; hostels and tours in Israel, Egypt and the Philippines. We remain grounded, supporting local businesses and preserving the environment. Our hostels and tours promote dialogue, tolerance, and unity, while also advocating for equality and democracy.

Our vision is to be an important leading regional tourism group, an efficient and profitable company, whose actions have an impact and create a positive change in the environment in which we operate, while promoting values that are important to us.

Dear Friends and Partners,
In the 21st century, we firmly believe that companies must take responsibility for their impact beyond their core operations.

As an impact-driven tourism company operating mainly in the Middle East and the Philippines, we embrace this responsibility wholeheartedly.
We are thrilled to presents the Abraham Group’s annual Impact Report — a testament to our commitment to creating positive change and making a difference in the world.

Our vision is to be a leading regional tourism group, excelling in efficiency and profitability, while driving positive change in the environments we touch.
We recognize that the world faces economic, social, and environmental crises, and we are dedicated to contributing to the solution through our business practices.

Our values reflect interconnectedness — our “Come as you are” philosophy fosters inclusivity and respect.
At our core lies joyful, empathetic work. We’re flexible, creative, and adaptable with enthusiasm.
This Impact Report embodies collective dedication.
Moving forward, we’re committed to inspiring change through travel, proving that doing well and doing good go hand in hand.

Thank you for joining our journey. Together, we magnify our positive impact for a better world.

Gilad Shauloff CEO, Abraham Group