Abraham Jerusalem is temporarily closed, but we hope to reopen soon.

Meanwhile, please check out our other locations.

Gal Mor

Gal Mor has always been a world traveler.  Born in Jerusalem, he spent several of his early years with his family in Liverpool, England and Edmonton, Canada.  At 18, after backpacking Europe for three months, he returned to Israel to complete his mandatory military service where he graduated as an officer in the IDF Liason unit to UN forces posted in the Golan Heights as well as the Egyptian and Jordanian armies. After another year of around-the-world travel, he returned again to attend Hebrew University in Jerusalem studying International Relations and Media.  He then headed to Berlin where he lived for three years working in the Israeli embassy and seeing more of Europe, South American and North America.

It was in Berlin that he was connected with New Europe Tours, a company offering free tours of the Europe’s most beloved cities, and it was then that he realized his desire to blend his entrepreneurial spirit with his love for travel.  Soon it became clear that Israel, his home, was where it should all come together.

He returned to open the first New Europe branch outside of Europe and went on to manage it for two years.  During this time he also founded the Indie Travelers’ Center in the Old City providing free information on travel and hosting tours in the Middle East region.  It was clear how much Israel and this region had to offer to travelers, and specifically to independent backpackers like himself, but also how inaccessible it all was.  This motivated the expansion of Sandeman’s to Jerusalem, the opening of the Travelers’ Center and was the driving force behind his involvement in Abraham Hostel Jerusalem.

Gal wanted to create a clean, affordable, all-inclusive hostel where he, as an independent backpacker, would want to stay.  Soon after meeting Maoz, Yaron, Nitzan, and Dror he set to work finding the location that the hostel occupies today.

The Indie Travelers’ Center became Abraham Tours and moved into the lobby of the hostel and Gal became manager of both the tour company and the hostel.  Today, Gal is investing his time and energy into the development of Abraham Tours, adding to and improving the many tours and services it provides in Jerusalem, Israel and the Region.

Gal is also in charge of leading the next expansion of Abraham Hostel into other cities in the region. He is seeing his dreams realized as more and more independent backpackers come to Israel, see and experience it for what it is, stimulate its local economy and come to love it as he does.

Gal currently lives in Ma’ale Hahamisha, a kibbutz next to Jerusalem, with his wife and two young sons.


We thank our guests for recognizing us widely and nominating us for so many local and international awards.