Abraham Jerusalem is temporarily closed, but we hope to reopen soon.

Meanwhile, please check out our other locations.

Nitzan Kimchi

Nitzan Kimchi, a native born of the city of Haifa in Northern Israel, between Mount Carmel and the Mediterranean Sea, “converted” to Jerusalem, where he’s lived for the past 30+ years. He is married to Rali and is the proud father of Ori, Ayelet and Gali.

Military service in an elite unit of the IDF placed Nitzan in close contact with extreme field life and long demanding walks with heavy weights. During his service, he worked with Dror Tishler, who became his partner for life.

Nitzan has always had a passion for hiking, mountain climbing and rappelling, practising when he was a youngster in Israel and the Sinai desert, and after his military service, in the Americas (Alaska, Mexico and more). In the past several years Nitzan’s family has travelled extensively to explore new places and a variety of cultures, from the Far East to Europe, Brazil and the Greek Islands.

Recently, Nitzan had the opportunity to head again for the long walks of the Golan Trail, the Israel National Trail and some great overseas challenges.

Nitzan studied animation at NYU before later taking a different course, finishing his First and Second degrees in clinical psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

In the late 80’s Kata was established by Nitzan Kimchi in a tiny room at his apartment, before later shifting to his partner’s (Dror Tishler) small garage. The company, which since grew much larger, employing more than 60 people, develops, designs, manufactures and markets professional carrying solutions. In the initial years, the company explored the fields of military carrying gear as well as specialized equipment.

Eventually the company focused on developing products for video and photo cameras, and complementary equipment: from a set of backpacks, bags, vests and pouches for the most professional TV team with sophisticated video camera, sound gear, lighting and tripods, to the simplest pouch for a small camera.

Over the years Kata evolved from a two man R&D laboratory to an organization that develops hundreds of products for thousands of clients worldwide, and became a leader in its field. The company’s products are branded Kata (www.kata-bags.com) and National Geographic (www.geographicbags.com) .

Managing Kata as an international company that is based in Jerusalem always required a great deal of hospitality skills: convincing colleges from around the world to come and visit the country and the city and spending some time here, showing them around and converting them from reluctant visitors to enthusiastic travelers who fell in-love with the place!

In 2010, several years after Kata was acquired by the Vitec group, a UK company, Nitzan left with Dror and together with Maoz, Gal and Yaron founded Abraham Hostels.

The match with the Abraham Hostels vision was natural and enabled Nitzan to make use of his vast experience and skills in management, branding and design.

Nowadays, in addition to Abraham Hostels, Nitzan invests his time and energy in social and business enterprises, in mentoring young people, consulting for companies, practising yoga, and walking the face of the earth…



We thank our guests for recognizing us widely and nominating us for so many local and international awards.